Jul 5, 2021
Lori Ann tells of her journey through infertility, miscarriage, and complications with her next pregnancy, which included putting in a cerclage due to an incompetent cervix and later her water breaking at 21 weeks. Instead of terminating the pregnancy, Lori Ann and her husband Matt decided to wait to see what would happen, monitoring her temperature to make sure she didn't develop an infection.
At 24 weeks, she was admitted until Owen was born at 26 weeks via emergency C-section. Owen was 2 lb and they were able to see Owen open his eyes, but he was struggling to breath on his own. They decided to remove the breathing tube, and she was able to hold him till he passed away.
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Music: Music - "Flickering Flame" by Josh Woodward. Free download: http://joshwoodward.com/.