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Still A Part of Us: A podcast about pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and infant loss

Jun 26, 2022

Maud tells us about her beautiful daughter Clelia who was stillborn due to fetal toxoplasmosis. The joy of finding out that they were pregnant was too short, and the pain of having to decide how to proceed after the terrible news that she had died.

DONATE $5 (aka "buy us a coffee/hot cocoa") to support the continued...

Jun 19, 2022

Katlyn reflects on what she has felt and done after the stillbirth of her daughter, Faye. She talks about how she has a drive to help other mothers and parents that are experiencing situations like hers.

DONATE $5 (aka "buy us a coffee/hot cocoa") to support the continued production of these stories. We appreciate all...

Jun 12, 2022

Katlyn tells the story of her sweet little angel, Faye Nicole who was stillborn at 36 weeks due to a cord accident. Katlyn regales us with the wonderful early pregnancy which turned into a tragic and heart felt telling when she learned that her daughter had passed away in utero.

DONATE $5 (aka "buy us a coffee/hot...